How To Get An AWS Job Without Experience?

AWS is no doubt the best Cloud service to start with. Capturing more than one-third of the Cloud computing market, AWS can surely give you a push for a successful career.

AWS is one such technology that may seem complex and intimidating, but if you take the right AWS training, it will take only 4-6 months to master it. Agreed, AWS has many services and is a broad category, but after the training, you’ll be able to start with an entry-level Cloud job.

How To Get An AWS Job Without Experience?

If you have completed your training and looking for an AWS job, follow the given tips.

Choose The Right AWS Certification

Getting a job would become easier if you have an AWS certification with you. Employers would find you more serious, and you’ll indeed have an edge as not many candidates at entry-level are certified. An AWS cloud practitioner certification is ideal for an entry-level job.

Supplement Your Portfolio With Projects

An AWS Cloud job is all about implementation. So, to showcase to your employer that you have the requisite skills, you need to have a good portfolio of projects done by you. If you have substantial hands-on experience during your AWS certification training, the employers will count it. To start with, you can create a website on AWS or set up Kubernetes Clusters on Amazon EC2. You can also work on open-source projects and maintain a good portfolio of the projects you have worked on.

Make Use Of References

References can be a great help when hunting for a job as a fresher. If you know someone working in a cloud organization, connect with them to apply directly for the job. Reputed institutes that offer AWS training offer immense networking opportunities through alumni meet, group meetings, seminars, etc. Capitalize on the networking opportunities you got during the training. You never know; your cohort or alumni can help you find your dream job.

Cloud technology is dynamic, and you have to have the technical expertise and soft skills to set yourself apart from other applicants. Those who are willing to learn, curious, and have the right balance of tech and soft skills will find no difficulty getting a job even without experience.

Do you lack confidence in starting an AWS career? Consider training with SynergisticIT. It offers one of the best AWS training with hands-on experience, career assistance, and outstanding placement opportunities

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